What is a Blessing?

I got to thinking about blessings this morning after getting out of a meeting about nonprofit fundraising.

“Blessings” are defined, in part, (on my favorite thesaurus site, word hippo) as divine aid or rewards; good fortune; or something someone is glad of.

But maybe one of the most overlooked aspects of a blessing is that it’s not something for us to hold onto.

Because the moment we hoard our blessing, it ceases to be one.

A blessing isn’t meant to stop with us. It isn’t getting something we want for the sake of having something we want. It’s not even getting something we may truly need just so our needs are met.

The purpose isn’t only for us to be blessed by what God provides. It can and should be so much more. The blessing is multiplied when we use our talent, our time, and even our treasure to bless others.

We should be using all of our blessings to show others what a GOOD Father we have.


Hope Remains