Hope Remains

Hope Remains.

It wasn’t hard to settle on these words to represent what I pray to offer my readers, because this truth has followed me throughout my often difficult life.

I was assaulted as a very young woman, and it changed everything I believed about myself. I began making terrible choices, which led like falling dominoes to a life I never imagined would be mine. But while drowning in the mess, grace found me, and I was blessed with a daughter who changed everything.

But there were still consequences for the decisions I’d made. And there was still a sinful life that tempted me. Out of fear, I continued to choose what looked like the easy way out. I was Jonah, running away from what God was calling me to.

I’m so glad God didn’t give up on me when I gave up on myself. Although I was stuck in the muck and mire, He didn’t leave me there. I have a firm place to stand, despite all that I’ve been through and how very undeserving I am.

Crises. Abuse. Loss. Sickness. Trauma. Tragedy. Devastated relationships.

Help. Love. Redemption. Healing. Forgiveness. Restoration. Hope.

This is my story…that Hope Remains.


What is a Blessing?