I was raised in a Christian home and grew up attending church and active in youth groups. But sometimes, even when faith is authentic, the world’s temptations are alluring…know what I mean?

Looking back, many of us might wish we could undo a decision or two that we made. How much easier would life have been if we hadn’t fallen for that wrong person, or disobeyed that clear instruction from God, or indulged in that particular sin? The long and winding road that we put ourselves on might seem like an unnecessary and pain-filled detour from God’s plan for our life, but I finally discovered something that feels true for me: God’s will isn’t dependent upon me living in a particular place with a particular spouse doing a particular job. I don’t have to try to backtrack or work my way over to the life He had planned for me. The times that I went left when I should have gone right didn’t land me in a mess that forced God to scrap plans A, B, C, and D, so now I have to settle for plan E.

"Every morning that I wake up and pray, “God, I’m Yours. Use me,” I am in His will for my life. Our current situation isn’t the deciding factor for whether we are in God’s will. Our choice of job or spouse doesn’t dictate whether God can do something with us or not. His only plan for our lives is that we allow Him to use us for His PURPOSE rather than our own.

“While I do often wish that I had chosen early on to focus on developing the talent that God blessed me with, my personal and professional experiences—formerly referred to as mistakes—have strengthened my ability to create characters who authentically struggle. I have a long way to go as a writer, but I believe that these stories are worth telling, and our dirtiest messes amplify His grace all the more.”

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)