Her Part to Play

Jenny Erlingsson’s debut novel is a sweet story set against the backdrop of the film industry.

Adanne is about to find herself thrust into a role she never imagined she’d play—makeup artist for the man she blames for ruining her budding career on the set of a different movie years before.

John is still learning what life without his longtime girlfriend—but with the Savior he’s recently dedicated his life to—will be like. Old temptations aren’t easy to escape, even when he’s dropped into the middle of a sleepy Alabama town to shoot his latest film.

Sparks fly as these two learn to work around each other without giving away anything. Not their secrets, and not the hearts they are both determined to hold onto.

I am honored to be on the launch time for this book, available on June 18th.

Pre-order from Baker Publishing Group here!


Loving Naomi